Exam courses in Danish

Do you need to pass Studieprøven or Prøve i Dansk 2 (PD2) or 3 (PD3)? Get all the help you need with a goal-oriented exam course with us.

Our open group courses are held in a small group setting with only 6-8 participants. We keep the size of our groups small in order to ensure enough room and time for every single participant. Here, you will not be lost in the crowd. 

We meet once a week for 12, 9 or 6 weeks.

Our group courses are held at our very central location at Peder Skrams Gade. If you are not able to attend all of your classes, you can continue your course remotely. You can also take a full exam course online.

You will be working on all the exam disciplines; the oral and the written exam as well as the reading comprehension. You will get online access to a substantial amount of past exam materials to use for additional self-study. If you only need help passing the written part, you can choose a private online course to work on that exclusively.

Regardless of what you choose, you will get a highly qualified and experienced teacher, who has already led many students to the official exams and knows fully what is required to pass. You will get all the feedback and all the input you need.

We look forward to helping you pass! 

Do you have any questions?

Call us

Exam courses in Copenhagen

Studieprøven exam courses

Do you need to pass Studieprøven, so you can study in Denmark? Our Studieprøven exam course gives you the chance to prepare well for the exam in a small group setting of only 6-8 participants.

PD3 eksamen

PD3 exam courses

Have you signed up for PD3? Our PD3 exam courses give you the chance to prepare well for the PD3 test in a small group setting of only 6-8 participants.

PD2 exam courses

Have you signed up for PD2? Our PD2 exam courses give you the chance to prepare well for the PD2 test in a small group setting of only 6-8 participants.

What do you get?

  • You get free access to our online exam training platform

  • Direct, personal feedback from your teacher

  • Dedicated teachers with a great commitment

  • Small group setting of only 6-8 students

  • A dynamic teaching environment with motivated students


“This course was exactly what I needed in order to push myself in the right direction and get the feedback that I desperately needed. It’s an intensive course and it gives you a precise overview on what it takes for you to pass. I would not have reached that high grade without the help of my sweet teacher. Thank you very much, because now I’m studying what I love!”

Simona Ivanova (bestod Studieprøven i 2018)

“I presented the oral part of the PD3 exam yesterday and got a 10. Thank you for all the great tutoring that definitely pushed me forward and gave me the confidence I needed to pass”

Elisabeth Torres